Kamis, 18 Maret 2010


Omnipage 16 is the most accurate OCR software in the world. And the other two functions make it more powerful, they are star documents manager PaperPort and a professional industry-standard PDF creator. The astounding working speed and accuracy make it become the head absolutely.

The speed of this superior OCR software is up to 46% faster than the previous version. Free business professionals from manual cockamamie repetitive documents disposal process. Omnipage 16 is so amazing whatever you transform paper into digital files, convert a picture of a Word document into an audio file, or batch-create PDFs with advanced workflow technology.

Omnipage can turn documents and forms into more than 30 types office programs based on OCR and LFR technology, so as to deal with them to meet your needs. Just one click on your scanner or All-in-One device, you can transact large numbers of documents. It allow you to create PDF file, turn text documents into audio books and add digital signatures to your electronic documents.

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